We’re pleased to announce a new member of the Reckless Yes family as Panji and The Buffalo sign with us.
The solo project of Daz Cook – drummer in You Slut! and author of How To Be In A Band Your Parents Will Hate: A Guide To Math Rock – Panji and The Buffalo brings together maths and music in highly melodious fashion.
Following an Indiegogo campaign to fund recording we’re pleased to be working with Panji and The Buffalo on a digital and physical release of debut EP, Rare Moves. You can check out Taneo, taken from it, below.
Pete Darrington, co-founder of Reckless Yes, said: “I’m really excited to welcome Panji and The Buffalo aka Daz Cook to the RY family as I was a huge fan of his previous band You Slut!.
“What’s particularly enchanting about his latest project though is I was literally bowled over by just how creative and talented a composer Mr Cook is. Every single instrument on this record – drums, bass, guitars, keyboards, stuffed raccoon – Daz has played the lot and in doing so, he’s created a math rock landscape that’s the sonic equivalent of an MC Escher drawing – every time you listen to it, new patterns and rhythms emerge that take you off in a different direction and then cleverly lead you back to where you started. It’s just superb!”
Sarah Lay, co-founder of Reckless Yes, said: “We’ve both big fans of You Slut! and math rock generally so when we heard Daz was looking for a label to support him with the Panji and The Buffalo EP we jumped at the chance.
“There’s complex rhythms and melodies galore on the EP, with purposeful moments of light and shade, making it a musical beast with an interesting and gloriously intriguing personality.”
More information about Panji and The Buffalo’s Rare Moves EP – due summer 2017 – will be shared very, very soon but in the meantime you can follow Panji on Facebook and twitter.
Check out the rest of our roster on the our artists page.