We’re back, Back, BACK with another bag of recommendations busting its seams with the tunage packed within.
First we have to tell you it is PET CROW RELEASE DAY and to celebrate they (and we) are partying with the awesome Fan Club at Rough Trade in Nottingham. It’ll be a big old Reckless Yes knees up as LIINES are also in on the action and the bill is completed with Jitterz. Come down – it’s free! And obviously you need to get your hands on the record (limited aquamarine vinyl) which you can do right here.
Now, here’s this week’s music. Follow us on Twitter and hashtag #LF for weekly recommendations.
Listen Friday – 24 February 2017
Unqualified Nurse Band – Death Surf A52
We told you they would have a new single out soon and here it is. Released on clear 7″ vinyl with the marvellous folks at Too Pure Singles Club Death Surf A52 / White Dove is out next month but available to pre-order via Nurse’s Bandcamp now.
You can still get your hands on a copy of their debut album Debasement Tapes on translucent red vinyl and in a sleeve that will make your eyes bleed (in a good way) from our shop (or any good record shop in fact) here.
And as they are a band you MUST SEE live make sure you head to Derby on 11 March to catch them with label mates You Want Fox and rabble-rousers Mouses – details here.
Diet Cig – Tummy Ache
“It’s hard to be a punk, while wearing a skirt” sing Diet Cig in the first track taken from their forthcoming debut – out in April we’ve had a listen and it is a brilliant, brilliant modern punk album.
Their ethos of ‘radical softness’ and hardcore empathy is one which we will happily pin our colours too – kindness, compassion and endless curiosity free of judgement are qualities the world needs more of right now. This makes an excellent soundtrack for living that life.
Deep Throat Choir – Be OK
You must get this album. In fact, go and do it now, we’ll wait…
…ok? Got a copy? You will not regret it. I know we enthuse about everything we pick (well, if we were ‘meh’ we probably wouldn’t include it here or even rally ourselves to write this post every week) but Deep Throat Choir are AMAZING. Choral arrangements and percussion, around stunning songs. For anyone keeping note this is probably my most played song in February (Sarah).
Mega Emotion – Ok Maybe Ok
I’m pretty sure I (Sarah) fell in love with Mega Emotion in the church at Indietracks a few years back but whether that is right or I’ve just linked them to that magical place in my mind, we’ll never know for sure (because I’m too lazy to Google past line ups). No matter. They released this new song in January which is ACE and they have another song on a compilation by Kobayashi Nights which is even ACER and you should check out.
As an aside Kobayashi Nights is run by our music-making night-promoting record-labelling DIY kin in Goldblooms – we’re doing a little cultural exchange with them and sending Pet Crow to play their East London night on 23 March at which point they’ll bundle Goldblooms into their splitter and bring them up here to play Six Impossible Things on 24 March (with Dactylion, Natterers and Grawl!x) – details (of the night, not the raid) here.
Gurr – 1985
Pete played these on The Rumble last year and sent several messages about how I would ‘absolutely <3 these’. He wasn’t wrong which means either I’m very predictable or he is a an excellent curator of sounds. Let’s not dwell too long on which it is.
Let’s focus instead on THIS – the new track from Berlin duo Gurr who I absolutely <3. West Coast-harmonies and an update on the reflective musings of girl groups through the ages – this is brilliant catchy pop. Get it in your life.
Kate Bush – Wuthering Heights
If you’re not a parent you might not know it’s Book Week this week and that comes with a bonus ‘fancy dress Friday’ *sigh*. I’ve this very morning packed off a small Max Wild Things (my gold crown better come back in one piece for Six Impossible Things) and a moody tween version of Heathcliffe. The latter’s recent classroom reading of Wuthering Heights has led to him discovering Kate Bush, and listening to The Kick Inside very loud.
Anyway, all time classic from Kate Bush.
Now, here’s this week’s music. Follow us on Twitter and hashtag #LF for weekly recommendations.