Demo submissions

Thanks for your interest in working with Reckless Yes. Unfortunately we are no longer accepting any music / demo submissions.

If you decide to pitch to us anyway please note we can’t guarantee we will listen to anything which is sent and you are highly unlikely to receive a response. We are unable to offer feedback on unsolicited submissions – we’d love to but it’s just not possible.

We understand this may be disappointing if you wanted to work with us but please don’t stop:

  • putting your effort into self-releasing or looking for another label to work with
  • promoting yourself online or seeking coverage and airplay
  • getting gigs once it’s safe and practical to do so.

All of the artists on the Reckless Yes roster were on our radar long before we began working with them and trying to gain momentum yourself is likely a better long-term strategy than contacting us when our submissions are closed.

Thanks again for your interest and best of luck with your music!