Six Impossible Things
Six. Impossible. Things.
Impossible Things…six times….
And so, as all great parties must, Six Impossible Things draws to a close. The last of our rock n roll tea parties will take place on 12 May 2017, exactly one year after we held our first.
As has been our way we will be welcoming four bands to join us for the final Six Impossible Things – Cherry Hex and the Dream Church, Babe Punch, Sally Charlesworth and the mysterious Dancing with Mandy – will provide the musical good times while we give out free cake. We’ll be convening upstairs at the Hairy Dog from 8pm and entry is pay what you like, your donations getting split between the bands as payment.
It’s with a sense of whimsy and weariness with which we hang up that hat and crown, and safely stow away our glitter and bunting, for the last time prepare our between band soundtrack of French Navy on repeat. Six Impossible Things was the first dream we had as Reckless Yes; to bring amazing bands together in Derby, to support and strengthen our bit of the DIY network, to put our little city on the musical map. We’ve been overwhelmed with how willingly you threw yourselves into it with us, and how many bands we’ve seen thrilling sets by. Each Six has had its own atmosphere, and across the year it’s ended up being the longest, bestest party we could ever have hoped to have thrown.
So, why end it? Because all good things must. We’ve other dreams that we want to see become realities. We want to pass the DIY baton on. There are loads of great nights happening in the city showcasing new bands, underground bands and those who want to have good times. Support the Hairy Dog, Radar Love, Dubrek…and all the other people bringing their effort to bringing you the music. Support each other and celebrate the fucking amazing talent we have in our quietly amazing city. Stop saying nothing ever happens here because it really does, it can, and it will…if you want it to. Keep being generous with your time and your spare change, keep finding new ways to work together and create. Start a band, see a band, love it all (even the boring bits).
We started with wanting to make something from nothing. We did. You did. Everyone who played, every venue that let us perch our crows for a night, everyone who came and ate cake and put money in the tin. We made something from nothing, together we did the impossible thing and we did it six glorious times.
We had the best fun. Thank you x
We’ll be back with a new something for you in the autumn and you can check out our next Reckless Yes Presents…show: False Advertising + Prizefighter + The Summertides – Thursday 25 April – 8pm – £6adv